04 July 2007

Carlyn Hutchins July 2007 Newsletter

Summer is finally here in the Boston area and life is sweet and good! I hope that you are doing well and are enjoying the warm weather.

I and my friends from JP Unplugged kicked off the summer season with a free outdoor concert at the Loring-Greenough House in Jamaica Plain in late June. We had a perfect day, perfect weather, and a perfect crowd who gathered for the 4+ hours of music that we played live. All of us at JP Unplugged thank the Loring-Greenough House and the community for their support and we hope to see you at our next concert on September 8th.

We in the indie songwriter community measure our success in littles, or at least I do, and I have gotten some little tidbits of good news lately that have made me quite happy:
  • My CD Lust Love Lost came in at #27 on the OutVoice Top 40 chart for May! This was the first month that the CD has reached the charts, so thanks to all of you for voting for my music! Hint: click the OutVoice link above to vote for my CD (and others you like), and let's see how far up the chart we can get it to go!
  • Because of the OutVoice chart, I was contacted by several internet radio programs, including Pamela Smith at Amazon Radio, because they want to add my music to their playlists...rock on!
  • I made the Radio Crystal Blue quarterly airplay chart, thanks to Dan Herman who has been spinning some cuts from Lust Love Lost - a big shout out to Dan!
  • A little bird whispered to me that "Just a Dream", a cut from Lust Love Lost, has been selected to be on the Indie Music for Life compilation CD, so stay tuned for more information on that. (Indie Music For Life is 501(c)3 non profit organization that produces concerts, events, showcases, and compilation CDs each year to raise funds for cancer research and for educational awareness programs on the benefits of music and laughter as therapy to cancer patients.)
  • Lust Love Lost was recently added to the PayPlay.fm catalog for digital downloads. If you're looking for an iTunes alternative, look no further...and psst... don't tell anyone, but the .mp3 version is $8.88 and the WMA version is $7.77.
I'm running my little contest again this month. You send me themes for songs, and I will send you an autographed CD. First 3 people only though - I only gave away 1 CD last month, and I'd really like to give away 3 this month. How can you turn down a free CD? :-)

Speaking of which... Lust Love Lost is still on sale through CD Baby, iTunes, GoGirls Music Records, or my website. I'm starting to run a little short, so pick one up today before they're all gone!

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