06 September 2007

September 2007 News

- My CD Lust Love Lost rose from #9 to #7 on the OutVoice Top 40 chart for July! Thanks to everyone who voted for my music - this is a great resource to find new music as well! Hint: click the OutVoice link above to vote for my CD (and others you like), and let's see how far up the chart we can get it to go!

- Pamela Smith at Amazon Radio recently added Lust Love Lost to her playlist and I'm very excited about that. Check out her program when you get a chance. In other radio news, Dan Herman from Radio Crystal Blue continues to spin cuts from Lust Love Lost - thanks to Dan for his support!

- "Just a Dream", a cut from Lust Love Lost, has been selected to be on the Indie Music for Life Adult Contemporary/Christian compilation CD - the adult contemporary part that is! To order, visit the Indie Music for Life Retail Shop.

- Lust Love Lost was recently added to the PayPlay.fm catalog for digital downloads. If you're looking for an iTunes alternative, look no further...and psst... don't tell anyone, but the .mp3 version is $8.88 and the WMA version is $7.77. These are better deals than you can get on iTunes, and they're iPod compatible so get downloading today!

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