22 October 2006

Provincetown - October 12

OK, so I made the trip from Boston to P-Town, found my way to the Inn, and found that the room smelled like an ashtray...a very well used ashtray. Risking being "that guest", I trekked back down to the reception desk to ask for a new room, preferably one that had not been smoked in. They smiled politely and found me another room that only smelled slightly of cigarette smoke, and I took it, fearing that the next room would have been worse! I unpacked a bit, grabbed my show fliers and walked into town to do what every other performer in P-Town does to advertise their shows - hand people pieces of paper that they'll never look at and just toss into the next trash can!

I passed WOMR and kicked myself for not bringing any CD's. Oh well. Soon I found myself in front of Vixen, trying to get in touch with my new friend Al Start, who was not answering her phone. Then I ran into Susan Souza (the organizer of the Women's Kiss event) and her partner Kristin, and was chatting with them when finally Al showed up. Yay - off we went to grab a bite at The Squealing Pig, what a name! Her friend Zoe Lewis said it's the closest thing to a proper English pub in Provincetown. Having never been to England, I had no basis for comparison but Al seemed OK with it.

After we ate, we made our way back to the hotel, to find my other two friends, who fortuitously had a can of Oust in their car, and very thoughtfully sprayed the hell out of the room in an effort to deodorize it. That worked for about 5 minutes. Ick. Then my friends left to meet up with one of their friends, and Al and went off to the Women's Kiss showcase at Vixen. She drove us about 2 or 3 blocks from the Inn, and then we had to carry my guitar and bag of stuff - merchandise, CDs, tuner, cords, etc., the next 10 blocks or so.

Huffing and puffing (me anyway), we got to Vixen and met up with Susan again, who let me put all of my gear backstage. I was briefly introduced to Vicki Genfan (oh my, what a guitarist), and then went back out to my seat for the show. After that, I grabbed my gear from the back and headed up to the Bacchanal Winebar, where my little showcase was.

We had very much a listening crowd that night, as Patti DeRosa, Jess Yoakum, and I rotated through 3 songs each for the next couple of hours. Vicki Blankenship (president of Indiegrrl) and Al also played a few songs, and everyone had a very good time. Except for my one friend, who had a very unfortunate incident involving too much wine and the porcelain god. She and her partner ended up getting a room at The Pilgrim House instead of staying with us - whew for me, I'm a sympathetic puker. So Al and I went back to the Inn with Patti (who was also staying there), and gave Denise Barbarita a ride back to her little shack…literally a shack. But a very cute one I must say! She had us on the floor laughing with her impersonations of her New York family!

We left Denise, and then went back to the Inn with Patti. It was late, about 1 or 2 am at that point, and I thought I was going to go right to sleep. Al on the other hand chatted and chatted and kept me up very late, regaling me with tales of her life and travels, the naughty woman. It was like we were 10 years old having a little slumber party, laughing and giggling and carrying on! Oh dear, maybe she is the little sister I never had…oh wait, she's 3 weeks older than I am! Heh heh heh…and I will never let her forget it!

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