22 October 2006

Provincetown - October 13

Up early, even though I only had about 4 or 5 hours of sleep (still on dog schedule even though I didn't have her with me). Off to breakfast on my own, laptop in hand to do a little work. Lo and behold, in walked Patti DeRosa, followed by Al, and then finally my friends Nicole and Tina stopped by to pick up their luggage to haul back to The Pilgrim House. Nicole was looking mighty fine for someone who had been so sick the night before!

After showers, we grabbed the guitars and headed into town to do a little busking (and me to ignore an ex I kept seeing – blech). Well, my intent was just to be in a support role to Al (who was really keen on performing), some harmony vocals, a little shaker, but I ended up playing with Al quite a bit! It was fun, and at the end we were joined by Jamie, a drummer/djembe player from New York, as well as Patti, Andrea Paquin, and another street performer named Brenda, and totally rocked out to much applause from the crowd. We were stars baby!

I had to head back to the room to change and make myself pretty for my feature that night. It was fantastic, a much different crowd than on Thursday night, and we had a blast! The crowd wanted to party, and I gave them all of my fired up songs. Well, not all of them, but many of them. First up was Patti DeRosa, followed by Liz Stahler, then me, then Christine Havrilla, and finally, my new friend Namoli Brennet. What a fantastic night!

It only got better later on as we ended up at an Indiegrrl party with so many other musicians: Vicki Genfan, Susan Souza, Vicki Blankenship, Sonya Heller, Namoli Brennet, Julia Carroll, Denise Barbarita, Andrea Paquin, and the honorary Indiegrrl despite his Y chromosome: Jess Willoughby, and many other guests whose names I shamefully cannot remember.

The lovely Cory Lynn drove me and Al back to my car. Having parked it somewhere on Commercial Street a good 12 hours previously, I had no idea where it really was! Besides, it was late, and it was cold, and Al was a bit tipsy on beer, and I was just plain lazy. So, we got back to the room around 2 am, and since we were both pretty high in the sense of being musically buzzed, we stayed up and did some talking, a lot of talking, and even more laughing!

Al was making serious fun of my "freakishly small hands" and we discovered that I can actually fit both hands into a pair of women's medium fleece gloves from L.L. Bean! We were laughing so hard Al could barely get a picture of it, but it's floating somewhere out in cyberspace in her Snapfish account…grrrr… Well, my hands may be small, but they can sure play a mean guitar, and don't anyone forget that!

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