05 January 2007

Carlyn Hutchins - 2006 Review

It seems like such a short time ago I was writing the 2005 review, so it seems odd to be writing the 2006 review. So many great things happened for me during the past year, I don't even know where to start!

Let's see... I brought my music to the good folks in the Boston area, Philadelphia, Providence, Provincetown, and Bethlehem (NH), and played too many open mics to count! I even busted out of my shell a little bit and did some street performing in Provincetown, which was an absolute hoot! A lot of new fans signed up on my mailing list, I made new friends, I met many fantastic musicians, and I learned a lot about the independent music industry. Some songs from the CD were played on internet radio stations, which was really cool! I'm still working on getting the CD into rotation on some broadcast stations, but that seems to be a tough nut to crack!

The highlight of the year by far was the CD release party for "Lust Love Lost". It was a benefit for The Network/La Red, and with your support, we raised $330, so thank you again for your generosity!

So what's in store for next year? I'm glad that you asked! I can say that while new songs will be written, there will probably not be a new CD. I am planning on doing a little more travelling in 2007, and less recording in the studio. Hopefully, I'll be playing shows in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Oh yeah, Massachusetts and the Boston area as well! That's the goal anyway, we'll see how things play out.

Thank you all for your love and support over the past year. It's hard sometimes to "keep your chin up", and it's much easier knowing you're all so supportive, knowing there will be friendly faces at the gigs.

I wish you all peace and happiness during this holiday season, and much success during 2007!

Be well,


Want a free double disk CD?

I have three copies of the Oasis Acoustic Volume VI #8, and will ship it to the first 3 people to buy a copy of "Lust Love Lost" from CD Baby! Just forward your purchase confirmation from CD Baby to me (carlyn@carlynhutchins.com), and I will mail the CD to you for free! (Heh heh...I hope the rhymes in my songs are better than that one!) No worries, these confirmation emails do not contain any credit card information.

Oasis is the company who manufactured "Lust Love Lost", and as part of their Tools of Promotion, they put together a sampler CD. One of my songs, "Urban Tragedy", is included on this sampler, along with some other fantastic music from other indie artists. The second disc is a fantastic collection of holiday songs. There are only 3, so hurry!

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