22 October 2006

Provincetown - October 14

OK, so now I'm running 2 straight nights with only about 4 or 5 hours of sleep each, and I'm thoroughly exhausted! I'd like to have been able to blame my roomie Al Start for keeping me up late talking, but I was blabbing just as much as she was! Anyway, I left her sleeping, grabbed my laptop, and headed downstairs for a little breakfast. I ran into Patti DeRosa and Denise Barbarita before they headed out of town, and chatted with them awhile, showing them pictures from the party the night before…yeah… I caught Denise with some funny facial expressions and got shots of Sonya Heller's thong for blackmail purposes! Heh heh…to be posted later...

Urg…so tired… Al finally came down to breakfast, looking much more rested than I must have looked, bright-eyed and cheery. I've no idea how she managed to look so good when I quite clearly looked like hell! I left her with my laptop, grabbed a shower, and then we both headed back into town to meet Andrea Paquin and do a little busking on Commercial Street.

We set up our stuff and Andrea played first, gathering a different small crowd with each song. Then I played a few songs, but we decided to move again, back down to in front of the town hall where the crowd was bigger, but somehow, the tips were smaller. Oh well. At least we had more of an audience! Andrea and I did our best to plug Al's show at The Bacchanal Winebar that night. I however, was tired and grumpy, and decided to rest a bit in Nicole and Tina's room. They were kind enough to bring me pizza, pastries, and soda, but since I'd had more than enough pizza at that point in the weekend, I opted only for the pastries. Yummy!

Al came to collect me, and we headed back to our room at the Inn to change, and then went back into town to have dinner with Nicole, Tina, and their friend Patsy. Inadvertently, we blew off Andrea and her partner Jen who were at a burrito place – whoops! I think they were a little annoyed, and I don't blame them. We went off to The Squealing Pig, enjoyed our dinner (at least I think we did), and then headed over to the winebar to watch Al's set – smashing! She's such a good performer as well as a musician. I'm wicked jealous and wish I could be that good. Someday…

At the end of the night, during Namoli Brennet's set, Al and I were asked to join her on stage (with Vange Durst as well) to play shakers, and had a right good time! For the last song, I joined Namoli, Vange, and Vicki Genfan on the song that never ended – I think it started out as a Namoli song, morphed into a Vange song, and then ended as a cover song but I can't remember for certain. Good thing I had been drinking, otherwise I would have felt the pain of playing a shaker for 10 minutes or so!

When we left Vixen, it was well after midnight. Al, Namoli, Andrea, and I tried to find a cafĂ© that was open so that we could get some coffee or tea, but alas, there was none. Only bars are open in P-Town that late. So we opted to all head back to our rooms, dropping Namoli off at her boat of a rental car first, and Andrea left as well. Al and I headed off to my car to drive back to the Inn, and managed to get into bed before 1 am. That was early! But, I couldn't sleep, and ended up playing around on the computer until 3 am while Al snored her little heart away …lucky her. Insomnia, me?

So, when Sunday morning rolled up, I had run 3 straight nights with less than 6 hours of sleep each, and I was feeling it badly. But, it was a great weekend and I felt so incredibly energized! I had a fantastic time, met some very talented musicians, played in the streets, sold a few CD's, signed some folks up on my mailing list. Would I do this again? Absolutely!!!!!! But next time, the girlfriend comes with me!

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