01 November 2006

A mouse in my house...part I

Not that I mind them, how could I? They're small, they're cute, they're furry, they have cute little pink noses! However, I don't want them in my house.

Now, I'm not a genious by any stretch of the imagination, but you'd have thought that I would have figured out something was up when the cat wouldn't get out of the bathroom. Sure, she was hanging out by the radiator, but I thought she was just trying to keep warm! Then, when she for no reason attacked a pair of jeans on the floor, I thought that maybe she was going after a bug. So I checked, didn't see anything, put the jeans back on the floor, took a shower. When she kept trying to get behind the litter box, I thought she was just being feisty, and I threw her out of the bathroom.

I went off to work, and when I got home, she was still hanging out in the bathroom, by the radiator, obviously trying to keep warm, and she pretty much stayed there the rest of the night. I started to get worried, thinking that maybe she was getting sick, and scaring the crap out of my girlfriend, who's the cat's mom.

The next day, when I pulled the litter box out of the corner to scoop it, I saw the telltale signs of mouse invasion. Yes, you guessed it...a little puddle of mouse pee, and little mouse poo droppings. Yikes! So off I went on a mouse hunt...I turned over every rock, leaf, and pair of jeans...well...what was a pair of jeans (brand new even). Much to my dismay, Mousey must have been nesting, and managed to chew nice little mouse-mouth sized holes along the back legs of my brand new pair of jeans, like little flecks of acid burned holes into them. :(" style="width: 11.25pt; height: 11.25pt;">Sigh...and more mouse poo, and probably pee all over the jeans as well, and into the trash they went. I couldn't even salvage them.

Now, I have not seen any sign of Mousey since then. I did get one of those ultrasonic pest repellants that plug into an outlet. Or maybe Ruby the cat did her job and ate the poor bugger...nature at its best, survival of the fittest, you know, the way it should be. Regardless, it seems to be gone, and my jeans on the bathroom floor can rest easily!

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