04 November 2006

A mouse in my house...part II


I have a feeling that more drastic measures are going to be needed to get rid of this little mouse problem I am having. Evidently, Mr. Mouse is laughing at the ultrasonic pest repeller I have. Maybe I need more? I would hate to have to put down traps of any flavor...snap, humane, glue, etc. I would prefer that Ms. Ruby the Kitty would do her job and just get the darned thing!

It was quite a morning for me the other day. First off, I wasn't feeling well, so I was tossing and turning throughout the night. Then, Gracie (my dog) got sick...on my bed! Well, on the towel she sleeps on when she's on my bed, so the damage was minimal. I put her on the floor around 4:30 am, only to have her then get sick on the floor at 4:35... oy vey! Then she started pacing, and me, fearing the worst, got out of bed very quickly, dressed, and ran her outside, only to find that she just needed to pee, and nothing worse was going to happen. Whew...

So, back to bed around 5 am or so, and sleep was my friend...for about 30 minutes, until Ruby started acting up. She was chasing something on the floor, but when she started digging underneeath the hope chest and chirping (yes, she chirps when she's excited evidently), I figured something was up. I got out of bed again, and grabbed the flashlight and started checking underneath everything. Oh, so that's where all of Ruby's toys got to...never saw that one before...where did that toy come from...red octopus? What the...

I figured that while I was awake, I better start gathering up all the toys. I moved the hope chest away from the wall, and sitting stock still behind the red octopus was Mr. Mousey! Oh, he was ever so adorable, brown, cute little nose, and quite fat! What has he been eating? Well, before I really had a chance to react, he took off running, followed closely by Ruby, and was chased into a corner of the room, behind my amplifier and PA system. Groan...I don't need this at 5:30 am! I started to move everything out of the way and the darn thing took off again, underneath the computer cart, then evidently under the stove. Dammit! :(" style="width: 11.25pt; height: 11.25pt;"> So I moved the stove out (good thing I live on the first floor otherwise my neighbors may have had my head for making so much noise) but alas, he escaped. No clue where he went off to, but I did notice a big gap in the wall behind the stove, so my spider sense tells me that is probably where he's getting in.

To be continued...

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